Some beings have a direct, strong link to the essence of primal, elemental powers. These beings possess awesome powers, due to their lineage, depending on the elemental force they are linked to.
Aquae vivae 1
Aquae vivae 2
Aquae vivae 3
Aquae vivae 4
Aquae vivae 5
Beating rain 1
Beating rain 2
Beating rain 3
Beating rain 4
Beating rain 5
Blazing aura 1
Burning smoke 1
Burning smoke 2
Curtain of fire 1
Curtain of fire 2
Curtain of fire 3
Curtain of fire 4
Curtain of fire 5
Dragon breath 1
Dragon breath 2
Dragon breath 3
Dragon breath 4
Dragon breath 5
Drown 1
Drown 2
Earthquake 1
Earthquake 2
Headwinds 1
Headwinds 2
Headwinds 3
Headwinds 4
Headwinds 5
Hypnotic gaze 1
Hypnotic gaze 2
Landslide 1
Landslide 2
Lapidation 1
Lapidation 2
Lapidation 3
Lapidation 4
Lapidation 5
Lashing tail 1
Lashing tail 2
Lashing tail 3
Lashing tail 4
Lashing tail 5
Levitate 1
Like the wind 1
Like the wind 2
Like the wind 3
Like the wind 4
Like the wind 5
Might of the stone 1
Might of the stone 2
Might of the stone 3
Might of the stone 4
Might of the stone 5
Molten blood 1
Molten blood 2
Persuasive voice 1
Persuasive voice 2
Tidal wave 1
Tidal wave 2
Unstoppable charge 1
Unstoppable charge 2
Unstoppable charge 3
Unstoppable charge 4
Unstoppable charge 5
Water spray 1
Whirlwind 1
Whirlwind 2
Wind gust 1
Wind gust 2